About Espen Kluge

Born in Norway in 1983, Espen Kluge is a multifaceted artist known for his talents in visual artistry, music composition, and design.

Espen's creative journey is characterized by his drive to understand the balance between the meditative and chaotic aspects of creation. He often embraces the unfamiliar in his work—whether that means diving into new programming languages, experimenting with unknown tools or software, or weaving in elements of randomness.

In his visual art, Espen has a particular penchant for transformative portraiture. For him, the human face is not just a subject but a canvas waiting to be explored through improvisational coding techniques and other mediums.

Whether through visuals or sound, Espen's creations embody a deep sense of inward exploration. He is consistently drawn to the spontaneity and the unexpected moments that emerge from improvisation.

Recognized for his music compositions for Film and TV, Espen's artistry can be found on major streaming platforms.

Get in touch: espen[at]espen.xyz